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Tax Planning

A Little Planning Can Save You Stress

As important as it is to be investment-diversified, we believe it is equally important to be tax-diversified. Our team helps our clients determine whether it makes sense to strategically withdraw pre-taxable retirement dollars now and convert them into Roth IRAs and other after-tax vehicles so you can potentially pay less tax now instead of more down the road.

Just as all the planning you’ve already done is aimed at providing resources and income throughout your retirement, expenses – especially taxes – must be factored into any strategy you choose to properly plan for your future finances.

*Note: Our firm is here to facilitate your goals. While our philosophy includes both Phases 1 & 2, we do not require an “all or nothing” commitment for your retirement plan; if desired, we can help you with either investment or income planning.

Tax and/or legal advice is not offered by Abich Financial Services or their affiliated companies. Please consult with your tax professional or legal advisor for further guidance on tax or legal matters.

Taxes Don’t Have to be a 5-Letter Word

There’s no avoiding taxes. That’s as true in retirement as it is in the working world. But a sound strategy for approaching current and future taxes that can help you focus on retirement instead of bills. Fill out the form below and see how Abich Financial can help provide some peace of mind.

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