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What Makes A Solid Financial Foundation?
We trust this newsletter finds you well and that you are preparing for a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

Have you noticed that when someone wants to pay a compliment to a house that has stood the test of time, they’ll often say it has a “good foundation”?  Matthew 7:24-27 even talks about the wise man who built his house upon a rock versus the foolish man building his house upon the sand. In reality, the sturdiness of a home was determined long before any concrete was poured.

The most durable homes start with a solid blueprint drawn up by an experienced architect with a track record of building well—and a sense of potential challenges to come. In the same way, great financial strategies aren’t about buying low and selling high, or any of the market moves one might make along the way. The best financial strategies begin in the design phase—a collaboration between you and a financial professional in which a strategy is drawn up based on your financial past and present, your tolerance for risk, your time horizon, and what you want your future to look like

As the architect of your financial approach, Abich Financial Services can help ensure each piece is designed to look and function as you need it to.

Are you ready to design your future? Reach out today for an appointment. Click this link if you are an Abich client and would like a review. Click this link if you are not an Abich client and would like a complimentary blueprint. 

Please note: Our offices will be closed Friday, July 5th to allow our team some much needed time to be with their family and friends this weekend.
Here’s to building your solid foundation,
Abe Abich and the Abich Financial Services Team

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