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Our Mantra?

We believe in helping seniors and retirees enjoy this stage of life as much as they can! That’s why Abich Financial and Love of Gray are partnering together. Abich Financial educates and helps retirees prepare for this season in life, while Love of Gray inspires younger generations to celebrate seniors and sheds light on the issues that affect them in retirement.

Social Security

Planning for Social Security

July 6, 2020

Welcome everybody! Abe Abich, Founder and CEO of Abich Financial Services wanted to talk to you about social security. You know whenever we have market volatility , market crash, and ton of unemployment and different things like we’ve had this 2020. Oftentimes, thinking about, people started thinking about their exit and maybe retiring early which… View Article

Maximizing Social Security Benefits

May 11, 2020

Tune in to listen to Abe Abich from Abich Financial Services discussing the best ways to maximize your social security benefits coming our of COVID-19 and in the coming years.

What You Need to Know About Social Security Both During and After COVID-19

May 4, 2020

In the wake of COVID-19, we’re seeing one of the worst market downturns since 2008. Wondering what financial moves to make during crises can be overwhelming. While no one has a crystal ball to determine the future, our clients think we do and are very satisfied with our financial leadership during this crisis. Our next… View Article

Covid 19 has changed retirement. Are you prepared?

May 2, 2020

Covid 19 has changed retirement. Are you prepared? Join us for a live webinar on May 5th, 2020 6:30pm Maximized your social security benefits during and after covid-19. We’ll cover: Investing in bear market. Safeguarding your primary 2020 RMD updates.

When Should You Start Taking Social Security Benefits?

March 13, 2020

When is best for you to take social security? Well, I can tell you that answer differs for everyone that comes into our office.

When Should I Start Taking Social Security Benefits?

November 27, 2019

— We help people to choose when it is best to take their Social Security benefits. A lot of firms out there don’t do that. Social Security is not a financial product or an investment that someone can sell and make any money on. Social Security is an entitlement benefit that all American citizens are… View Article

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